Meaning Analytic scoring
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Analytic scoring

A procedure for scoring responses on a constructed-response test, in which the scorer awards points separately for specific features of the response. (Compare with holistic scoring.)
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Analytic scoring

Scoring that divides the student work into elemental, logical parts or basic principles. Scorers evaluate student work across multiple dimensions of performance rather than from an overall impression (holistic scoring). In analytic scoring, individual scores for each dimension are determined and reported; however, an overall impression of quality m [..]
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Analytic scoring

A method of marking which can be used in tests of productive language use, such as speaking and writing. The marker makes an assessment with the aid of a list of specific points. For example, in a test of writing the analytic scale may include a focus on grammar, vocabulary, use of linking devices, etc. Contrast global scoring.
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Analytic scoring

<assessment> Evaluating student work across multiple dimensions of performance rather than from an overall impression (holistic scoring). In analytic scoring, individual scores for each dimension are scored and reported. For example, analytic scoring of a history essay might include scores of the following dimensions: use of prior knowledge, [..]
Source: (offline)

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